Who has never wanted to make simple and legal a transaction without going in front of a solicitor, by guaranteeing it all its value ?
We have the pleasure to inform you about a real major technological innovation which will be launched very soon on the market.
It makes accessible the production of electronic legal proofs in business or in the private life.
This new service will allow you to send (from any computer in the world, even if it is not yours) in a simple, practical way, sure and confidential, electronic documents recommended in convincing value (with a filing secure extreme reactionary of the legal proofs in a "communicating electronic safe" coded in 4.000 bits by a "Trust third party", in Data Center subjected to military procedures.
It will avoid you sending your contracts, NCNDA, IMFPA, invoices, etc... as a document Word or PDF (which have no legal value), or go to the solicitor to sign your contracts. As you know it, the fax is too binding and relatively expensive. Its legal value is weak and the proofs can be lost or stolen. What is not the case with EREGEX.
The technologies used by EREGEX required 5 years of research and development, as well as a 20 million euro investment. The system is protected by 10 international patents.
A vast press campaign is going to be made.
By discovering EREGEX now, you are one of the first to be profited from it for your own company.
everywhere where you are in the world, even if you are
not in front of your computer.
Display of the Digital Plan 2012
by minister Eric Besson at Elysée Palace