The dematerialization of paper goes, in the 5 to 10 next years, being one of the pillars of the digital economy, which will make it possible each one (particular or professional) to benefit from a market estimated at 100 billion euros by year on Europe.
This revolution also will make it possible all to carry out a total economy which is also calculated it of billion euros, only in a year, and for France. This completely extraordinary process is, moreover, beneficial for the environment because it supports all the initiatives as regards sustainable development.
The dematerialization of the exchanges with unquestionable convincing legal value in front of a Court is at the same time a data-processing and legal innovation. This new solution in Quite electronic line of correspondence recommended with acknowledgement of delivery, sealed, certified by a Trust third party, with unquestionable convincing legal value in front of the Court, is opposable with the thirds and the tax department.
Each user (company or private individual) can send and receive Quite electronic correspondences instantaneously and profit from the unquestionable convincing legal value in front of the Court, opposable with the thirds and the tax department (Articles 1316-1, 2 and 3 of french CC).
As you know it, an email, just like a fax does not have any legal
authenticity absolutely. The registered letter, with acknowledgement
of delivery on only the date of some (your recipient can for example
pretext that the contents of the envelope that you addressed to him
were empty).
The physical filing of the documents to the paper format costs a fortune for the companies, the public administrations, and opens the door with the errors, the losses and the frauds, etc… without counting the destruction of the forests without which more absorption of CO2 is essential to fight against climate warming.
This is why the governments and the multinationals are interested in the processes of dematerialization which will give a new dimension to the exchanges that we make every day, making them sparing and simple sourer, instantaneous, confidential, ecological, sparing and simple.
The "Attali Report for the release of the French growth" estimates that the dematerialization would generate a saving in 15 billion euros by year for the French State.
The "Electronic Report Trades Europe in Brussels" estimates as for it that the French companies will save 22 billion euros by year, by dematerializing their exchanges (mails, invoices, financial instruments, etc…)
The "Report of July 2007 of the European Commission" produces the dazing figure of 243 billion economy by year for the simple dematerialization of the invoices of the european companies.
The dematerialization of the exchanges is the bet from the 5 to 10 next years. It's a market estimated at more than 100 billion euros by year, on Europe. We personally estimate it at more than 500 billion euros by year, for the whole world.
Our partner is already a major actor of the dematerialization : 15 world patents give him an indisputable competitive advantage. Its technology is used by the largest industrial society, the largest distributors and more the large banks.
dematerialization of the original documents of EREGEX is based on a
process of checking realized by a neutral or independent trust third
party, parking conformity of the operations of dematerialization in
the interest of the parts in correspondence and the thirds.
The dematerialization is before a whole security system combining around a third of neutral confidence of correspondence 3 different natures of safety :
1. The legal security to furnish the evidence of emission, reception, filing and correspondence electronic.
2. The computer security to check the electronic signature, the procurations of sealing, hosting of networks to added-value, the switches of messages and the operation of the electronic strong trunks.
3. Technical safety to make apply the sequence of the tasks of management according to enablings and of the internal and external procedures respecting conventions and the regulations in progress.
The trust third party of EREGEX justifies the traceability of the operations from beginning to end, and justifies the conformity of this "correspondence with convincing value" some is the number of speakers and operations necessary.
The trust third party measures, in this guarantee, the conclusive force of the document and its dematerialized correspondence. It finally issues with the two parts (bilaterality) the certificate of convincing legal value to the type of mail or form used.
The trust third party ensures, between the parts in correspondence and their respective people receiving benefits, the interworking of the exchanges both in France and abroad.
Dematerialization : a draconian security system.
If the safety were not ensured on the people, the signatures, conventions, the procedures, the operations, controls, measurements, and certifications, the systematic default risk on billion correspondences and transactions electronic would be considerable and in the event of incident, the distrust of the market would delay this initiative of progress and competitiveness.
The convincing legal value of the dematerialization of the contracts, the transactions and the administrative forms particularly justifies conformity and coherence controls, as well as the certification of a neutral trust third party when they are operations of assessment, of taxation or operating statement.
Until now, all the documents drawn up initially in the business applications, used by the companies, had only one convincing legal authenticity very low, on the level of the shaping of the electronic documents and on the level of their transmission by the Networks or Internet. It was thus necessary to print these documents and to sign them manually to obtain the "unquestionable convincing legal value" in front of the Court, value opposable with the thirds and the tax department.
What is not any more the case with EREGEX which dematerializes from beginning to end the exchanges in their conferring the "unquestionable convincing legal value" under control of the trust third party.
The development in Europe of fictitious bank accounts, forged invoices, imitations of signatures, usurpations of identities, false documents, is in growth because of the juxtaposition of the paper documents and the unverifiable electronic media in a chain of increasingly wide document management. What is impossible with EREGEX.
For the companies which want to be indeed freed from paper, the electronic signature is incontestably the best solution. This process makes it possible to have recourse to no paper, neither time, nor defect, while keeping an electronic proof with convincing value in front of the Courts, opposable with the parts, the thirds and the tax department.
Thanks to its solution Zero paper / Quite electronics (instantaneous, confidential, with convincing value some), without having to download a digital certificate on the work station, EREGEX, contribute actively to the durable economy by protecting the forests essential to absorption from CO2 (factor of climate warming).
The electronic originals are preserved in personal strong trunks communicating (with encoding with 4096 bits) protected in one of dated centers protected in the world (subjected to procedures of military level).